View Full Version : Guided setup help

30-05-2006, 06:40 PM
Hi all,

I recieved my turbonet in the mail today, (thanks Tim) so got stuck into guided setup as soon as I got home. Now I've hit a brick wall. During the first call it stalls at " Connecting (Preparing to call)". Here's where I'm at so far:

SVR200, imaged with 11/05 file, single 30Gb drive, 64mb swap file
Turbonet with fixed IP, cabled to DG834G router
I can ping the Tivo from another PC on the network
I can get Tivoweb up
I can telnet to the Tivo using Putty
I can get the Tivo to ping an external IP using telnet

The only thing left I can think of is a transparent proxy problem. Is there a way to confirm this? My ISP is TPG, anyone else had problems with them?

Any suggestions much appreciated.



30-05-2006, 07:45 PM
I'll assume the SVR200 is a typo and you have an SVR2000.

Follow the Configuration_and_Diagnostics (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Network/NetworkingHowto#Configuration_and_Diagnostics) section of the networking howto to make sure everything is working ok.

TPG has been known to cause issues in some locations.

What version/date of image are you using? Emuproxy2 should be working and bypass proxy issues on recent images.

What did you select as your cable and/or satellite sources?

Can you please add your location to your profile, so we know what area your in to help support you.


30-05-2006, 08:04 PM
Thanks Peter for the quick response. I rebooted and tried again. This time all went well even though I changed nothing. Could minnie have been offline for a short time? The only problen I seem to have now is that the STB misses channel changes. Maybe I should have picked a slower code set. After the Tivo has finished indexing I'll try to work out how to change the code set to a slower one.



30-05-2006, 09:23 PM
minnie's uptime is currently 76 days, so no issue there.

As for the codes, you can manually change the speed using Telnet.

If you basically follow the instructions @ FourDigitChannelNumber (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/IR/FourDigitChannelNumber) but substitute 'TunerDigitDelay' or 'UnattendedTunerDigitDelay' for where it says 'RecieverNumDigits'. 'TunerDigitDelay' is time it takes when manually surfing channels, 'UnattendedTunerDigitDelay' is the speed used by the TiVo for recordings.

I'd suggest trying values around 150-300.
