View Full Version : Setting up Tivo service outside Australia

29-05-2006, 10:13 AM
Hi guys,

First of all I would like to thank all of you guys for the tremendous effort you have all put into this community. Its a great resource and inspiration!! :) :D

I have been using the ozTivo image for almost a year now, and it is truly great.
Unfortunately, my time in Australia is up , and I am going back to my origins in Norway.

I am really interested in getting a norTivo community up and running, to enable norwegians to get addicted to the tivo as well, at least until Tivo decides to release officially in Norway, if ever.

I have noticed that they have managed to set up a service in the Netherlands, nlTivo, but have had no luck in getting in touch with the creator of nlTivo for more information.

So, I was wondering if you guys could help me out in defining what needs to be done to successfully convert the ozTivo image to a 'norTivo' and setting up a online server with guide data.

Where do I start ? What is most important ? What hardware do I need ( for the guide data server ) ? What mods needs to be done to the ozTivo image etc ?

Btw, in Norway we use PAL of course :)

Thanks for your time, and hope to get lots of info so I can get started !


Arve Solland

29-05-2006, 05:57 PM
To setup your own emulator and build scrapers for guide data you need to have very good linux skills. There is no installer or easy guide for setup.

If you think you have the skills, you should register @ forums.tivocanada.com they created the files to run an emulator.


30-05-2006, 06:04 AM
Hi arvesolland,

I'm the creator of the nlTiVo-system. I didn't receive any email from you, neither did I find any postings on our mailinglist. Anyway, luckily Darren King pointed me to this thread, as I don't visit this forum very often.

You can use my system if you want (I have a few users in Denmark using my system too), but as Pete states, you need good Linux-skills to get it to work. Especially skills in de PostgreSQL-, Perl-, Apache- and shell-scripting-areas are necessary. If you think you have these skills, I'm willing to help you out. I don't want to stop you from setting up your own system, but it took me a few months of reading and trying before I got anything usable. Using my system in combination with the above skills, it will take you a few evenings before having a fully usable system.

Please use our mailinglist (users@nltivo.net) if you are interested. As stated before, I rarely visit this forum.

kind regards,


30-05-2006, 09:03 AM
Thanks for that Dennis ( and Darren ), I have posted a submission on the nltivo list to get the ball rolling...:)

