View Full Version : What is the command to set ReceiverNumDigits to 1?

27-05-2006, 04:38 AM
The tcl file comments for the Topfield STB say to "set RecieverNumDigits to "1" to avoid leading zeros inadvertently changing the aspect ratio" otherwise the STB jumps to the viewing options everytime the channel change is requested.

Can someone please tell what the command is? - i have looked everywhere but been unable to find it.:confused:

Thanks, Kwijibot.

27-05-2006, 09:35 AM
Can someone please tell what the command is? - i have looked everywhere but been unable to find it.:confused:

Find the FSID of the SignalSource... either by browsing the MFS or by Telneting in and running "lssources" (which you may not have).

Find the source with the CableBoxCodeNum of the source you wish to modify (ie 10093), and then issue the following command:

dbsetx <signalsource> RecieverNumDigits 1

where signalsource is a number like 694847/12

and then reboot.

27-05-2006, 06:21 PM
Also answered in your other post



27-05-2006, 06:47 PM
Thanks peter - i will give it a go!

Sorry about the double post - the other one was a bit of a rambling work in progress and i thought a direct question might be better.

