View Full Version : Loading a tcl file

26-05-2006, 06:52 AM
I am going to load in a tcl file for the IR codes for my STB - Topfield tf4000t - kindly provided on the oztivo website but have found i need to do some editing of settings as well.

The comment on the tcl file is:

The additional "Enter" entry allows a quick change of channels by the Tivo. Remember to set EnterKeyRequired to 1 to make Tivo use the "enter" key. Also, set RecieverNumDigits to "1" to avoid leading zeros inadvertently changing the aspect ratio.

Can someone tell me where these two settings are and how to change them please? I did a search of the website and of the mailing list but couldn't find a specific instruction for either of them.

Thanks, kwijibot.

26-05-2006, 07:20 AM
I have just ftp'd into my tivo and copied the tcl file over to it but when i try to run the commands needed to load the code it errors.

% [TiVo [p0] /var/hack/guide/stb]# tivosh
% source tf4000t.tcl
% loadcodes
invalid command name "loadcodes"

I don't know why its not recognizing the command - any ideas?

Thanks, Kwijibot.

26-05-2006, 08:08 AM
OK i found the required command needed to be TopField as listed in the tcl file after proc...

Now all i need to find out is my first question re the location of the enter key setting and the receiver num digits.

Thanks, Kwijibot.

26-05-2006, 09:01 AM
I have run through the guided set up again and it allowed me to set the enter key setting and it is working now but i haven't found the 'receiver num digits' and the change channel still sends the 0 which activates the aspect view settings on the stb.

Anyone got instructions for changing the setting for the 'receiver num digits'?

Or another way to stop the 0?

Thanks, Kwijibot.

26-05-2006, 03:11 PM
Ian wrote in the comments for the Topfield tf4000t Ir code:

zero button on STB remote causes screen aspect ratio to change, so that when TiVo changes chanels the leading zero(s) cause the screen aspect to change. I considered two work arounds; set the number of digits sent to one, or corrupt the IR code for zero. I chose the second.

================================================== =========

How do i go about corrupting the zero code for the Topfield - is it edited in the tcl file then reloaded?

I nearly have everything working......

Ian do you still come in here?

Thanks, Kwijibot

27-05-2006, 06:03 PM
Thought I'd join in, so it doesn't look like your talking to yourself :)

Firstly, your STB should have already been available during GS as it is included in the current IR slice.

But since you have got past that anyway, changing the number of digits is easy.

Follow the instructions @ FourDigitChannelNumber (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/IR/FourDigitChannelNumber) except you want 1 digit, not 4.
