View Full Version : Failed. Service unavailable

19-05-2006, 01:03 PM
I have changed ISP and was given a new router (Netcomm NB5Plus4W)
TiVo comes up with "Failed. Service unavailable" when it tries to connect.
Network is OK. ISP Technical support has asked me to ask you guys to "enable a port on the router".

I have read all the other postings on this problem but still not sure what to do.

Please help, Thanks

20-05-2006, 03:36 AM
The TiVo uses port 80, the same as your pc uses for web browsing. This port should be open already, as you can post here. No other ports need to be opened for TiVo.

I suggest you work your way through Configuration_and_Diagnostics (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Network/NetworkingHowto#Configuration_and_Diagnostics). One thing you may have forgotten is to set the correct Gateway IP for your new router.


21-05-2006, 08:46 PM
The unit has been working fine until the beginning of this week when I changed ISP from Telstra bigpond to a lesser known one (Eftel).

The problem is that the unit will not connect to download the guide.
I can log onto the Tivo web page (IP and I can telnet the unit, but when I get it to do the phone connection the Failed,service unavailable error message comes up.

With telstra the IP address was Now it

I have read the notes on the forum and the networking section of oztivo, and I have pinged, route,ifconfig,wget and all comes up OK. So I just do not know what the problem could be, Your help would be greatly appreciated.
The IP Gateway is also fine.
Help please please

21-05-2006, 09:08 PM
I have read the notes on the forum and the networking section of oztivo, and I have pinged, route,ifconfig,wget and all comes up OK.

Well if you have tried all the above from your TiVo, then I cannot suggest what else is wrong off the top of my head.

The only thing left really is a transparent proxy issue. But this shouldn't be the case if your using a fairly recent issue.

Let me know what revision you have by checking /etc/oztivo_version or /etc/oztivo-version.

Also force a daily call then post a zip of either your otclient or tclient log (whichever has the current data) for us to look at.


21-05-2006, 10:03 PM
Thanks for the reply,
I have putty.exe. Please tell me how to get you tclient from the tivo,
as I have not done this before.
Thanks, regards Ralph

21-05-2006, 10:06 PM
Version is 1.5-20051128

21-05-2006, 11:38 PM
putty is fine, but it's even easier just to copy the screen listing using TiVoWeb's log's module.

Alternatively copy the files across using FTP. They are located in /var/log

Either way, make sure you only do this just after trying a daily call.


22-05-2006, 07:55 AM
Hi Peter,
Please find file attached.

22-05-2006, 12:22 PM
May 22 08:30:34 (none) comm[158]: Uploading HTTP Header for modLog of /var/log/svclog: POST /tivo-service/mlog.cgi HTTP/1.0^M Content-Length: 351^M ^M
May 22 08:30:34 (none) comm[158]: read HTTP Header: HTTP/1.0 200 OK^M Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 22:29:47 GMT^M Server: Apache/2.0.54^M Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1^M X-Cache: MISS from proxy2.syd.dft.com.au^M X-Cache-Lookup: MISS from proxy2.syd.dft.com.au:80^M Connection: close
May 22 08:30:34 (none) comm[158]: SvcLogRqst::verify: enter
May 22 08:30:34 (none) comm[158]: SvcLogRqst::verify: unlink(/var/log/svclog.upload)ed (status = 0)
May 22 08:30:34 (none) comm[158]: CommUtil: connection to host, port 8000, err 0x0
May 22 08:30:34 (none) comm[158]: read 1027 bytes of upload data for HServerRqst
May 22 08:30:34 (none) comm[158]: HServerRqst::evaluate starting
May 22 08:30:34 (none) comm[158]: HTTP header: HTTP/1.0 411 Length Required^M
May 22 08:30:34 (none) comm[158]: HTTP header: Server: squid/2.5.STABLE13-CVS-CACHEBOY^M
May 22 08:30:34 (none) comm[158]: HTTP header: Mime-Version: 1.0^M
May 22 08:30:34 (none) comm[158]: HTTP header: Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 22:29:50 GMT^M
May 22 08:30:34 (none) comm[158]: HTTP header: Content-Type: text/html^M
May 22 08:30:34 (none) comm[158]: HTTP header: Content-Length: 2326^M
May 22 08:30:34 (none) comm[158]: HTTP header: Expires: Sun, 21 May 2006 22:29:50 GMT^M
May 22 08:30:34 (none) comm[158]: HTTP header: X-Squid-Error: ERR_INVALID_REQ 0^M
May 22 08:30:34 (none) comm[158]: HTTP header: X-Cache: MISS from proxy2.syd.dft.com.au^M
May 22 08:30:34 (none) comm[158]: HTTP header: X-Cache-Lookup: NONE from proxy2.syd.dft.com.au:80^M

You definately have a transparent proxy issue.

You need to ask your new ISP to exlude minnies address ( from their transparent proxies (i.e. proxy2.syd.dft.com.au:80) as the proxy is not handling http/1.0 requests properly. Once that is done the TiVo will work again.


23-05-2006, 12:08 PM
Hi Peter,

I contacted my ISP and the techs are trying to work out why I have this problem. They have asked me for the URL that the TiVo is going to.
Can you please let me know what the URL is so I can tell them,

Darren King
23-05-2006, 12:18 PM
They have asked me for the URL that the TiVo is going to.
Can you please let me know what the URL is so I can tell them

Peter already did:

All you have to do is like he said in reply #9 (last page): You need to ask your new ISP to exlude minnies address ( from their transparent proxies

That's all.

23-05-2006, 12:18 PM
TiVo does not use URL's it uses minnies IP address directly


23-05-2006, 12:37 PM
It's probably also worth checking that emuproxy2 is running on your TIVo.

You can check this by typing ps ax | grep emu in a telnet session

This should show you two lines:

[TiVo [p0] ~]# ps ax | grep emu
141 ? SW 0:00 emuProxy2 -s
390 p0 RW 0:00 grep emu

If you don't get the first line then emuproxy2 is not running and this is causing your error.


[TiVo [p0] ~]# ps ax | grep emu
382 p0 RW 0:00 grep emu


23-05-2006, 04:01 PM
Hi Peter,

I checked emuproxy2 and I got the two lines so its running on my machine.
The new ISP techs are giving me a hard time, they keep trying to blame the Tivo, ans we are going aroud in circles. THey said they will get back to me tomorrow after they have a think about it. I don't know if I will have any luck with them.
Meanwhile I was thinking.....is there a way to manually download the TV guide and then use a FTP to send it on to the TiVo. If I did it once or twice per week that would get me out for a while.

Darren King
23-05-2006, 04:34 PM
If your ISP do not know how to solve this or do not want to then they are not worth staying with.

23-05-2006, 04:58 PM
I agree but I'm contracted to them for 12 months.

Darren King
23-05-2006, 05:03 PM
Ouch. Fingers crossed they can be aa little more accomodating.

I *think* manual uploading can be done (in fact I am sure it can as I'm sure I have read of others doing it) but never done it myself. Peter should be able to help here with the verdict.

23-05-2006, 05:20 PM
<Rant>Your ISP is just being an AS*. All they need to do is exclude one IP address from their poxy proxy service. This is a very simple thing for them to do. I suggest you tell them you will churn back to your previous ISP where the TiVo worked fine (so stop blaming the TiVo), the contract should be cancelled as they cannot provide an equivielent service.</Rant>

That said if you want the hassle of manually loading slices it has been documented in our wiki @ ManualGuideDataLoadingToTivo (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Guidedata/ManualGuideDataLoadingToTivo)


24-05-2006, 12:56 PM

The story continues..... The new ISP people got back to me today and said that they tested my router at their end and the problem is not related to transparent proxies. Apprently that works fine. They said the problem relates to port forwarding and my router is not open whereas the Teltra bigpond modem was open (hence I had no previous problems).
They do not support port forwarding as such and asked me to go to www.portforward.com for help and solution. Please could you give me some input into what port does TiVo use, is it 80 ?
Also is port triggering any thing I need to know about,
Should I use a Static address ?????
Your imput would be greatly greatly appreciated,

24-05-2006, 01:27 PM
Correct the TiVo uses port 80 externally, the same as your websurfing does. So if you can surf the web, it's not a port forwarding problem.

Send them the excert from your tclient.log that I posted. It clearly shows the proxy not passing the data using port 80.

Port 8000 is used by emuproxy2 internally.

Have they excluded minnie's IP from their proxy service ?

Try a forced call and check the logs.


Darren King
24-05-2006, 02:26 PM
Have they excluded minnie's IP from their proxy service ?

Don't sound like it. Sounds like they are taking the "we have no idea (or no motivation) how to do that so we will blame the customer's equipment and hopefully we have baffled them enough to go away" routine.