View Full Version : FTP advice/help

18-05-2006, 10:11 PM
Hi All,

I hope this is quick and easy question.

I have been running my Tivo box for about a year now without any major probs (due to the great info resources out there!).

I have just set a static IP for my box (with no problems) and was trying my hand at video extraction (

but I am unable to FTP into my Tivo box.

Is there a setting that I must enable first (thru Telnet) to engage FTP?
Possibly a particular port to connect thru ?
I just try my ftp client and it times out (even thru dos prompt)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



20-05-2006, 12:12 AM
You do not use an FTP client to transfer when using Tytools.

The Tytools client will transfer the shows from the TiVo.


Ps please don't post to the mailing list and here on the forums at the same time. It just adds to our support work load.

If you don't receive a reply in one area it's ok to post to the other a couple of days later.

22-05-2006, 07:46 PM
Thanks Peter,

As discussed in the mailing list, the problem I am having is no being able to send the Tytools files to the Tivo.

I have used ftp clients before (I am an IT support analyst) and have now tried Core FTP and Flash FXP clients and both time out on the connection.

Would it be a port setting ? The TivoWeb works with the new static IP, just not the FTP.

Many thanks again for the input.


22-05-2006, 09:21 PM
Firstly, to rule out any FTP issues I suggest using smartFTP, as I know it works fine with the TiVo.

secondly, what directory are you trying to upload the file to. Most directories are read only.

Thirdly, if you have telnet access to your box, try ps ax and see if 'tivoftpd' is loaded. This is loaded in rc.sysinit.author


Darren King
22-05-2006, 09:40 PM
Firstly, to rule out any FTP issues I suggest using smartFTP, as I know it works fine with the TiVo.

I can confirm FlashFXP works fine as it is all I have ever used. No idea why it isn't for Kronk apart from the other suggestions you have.

23-05-2006, 08:31 PM
Thanks Peter and Darren.

I have been able to telnet into the Tivo and ran the suggested commands and the reply was as follows

[TiVo [p0] ~]#
[TiVo [p0] ~]# ps ax

130 ? SW 0:00 tivoftpd

Also ran

[TiVo [p0] ~]# ps ax |grep ftp
130 ? SW 0:00 tivoftpd
180 p0 RW 0:00 grep ftp

I will give SmartFtp a go and see how that goes.



24-05-2006, 10:24 PM

Have tried SmartFTP client and still it times out. I seem to be running the ftp deamon (please forgive my lack of Linux skills !!), but no luck getting into the box.

Any other way that I can transfer files to the Tivo?

Many thanks for your help.


24-05-2006, 11:10 PM
You could try the following on your TiVo.

cd /var/hack
wget http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/pub/Videoextract/DownloadVideoUsingTytool/TyTool10r4.zip


25-05-2006, 07:29 PM

Many thanks for all your help.

Will give it a go.

Time for a quick learning curve with Linux !!
