View Full Version : Networking Problem

09-05-2006, 07:44 PM
G,day everyone

I am still having problems trying to get my Tivo to do a test call

I can get the bash prompt from tivo using putty over my network using the turbonet card. Using "[TiVo [p0] ~]# bootpage -p /dev/hda " The folowing reply was recieved"root=/dev/hda4 runideturbo=false TV_STD=PAL GS=1"

What i am not shore about is why it says false,i thought the oztivo image was set up for turbonet cards.Dose this mean there is a problem with my card
or is it as simple as changeing false to true.. if so how do i do this??

cheers Jon

Darren King
09-05-2006, 08:12 PM

Try and keep your posts to one thread rather than begin another one.

If you are the person who contacted me by phone a few weeks ago then I can offer no more suggestions if you have already tried with your modem and a DHCP router and set up the TiVo for DHCP server assigned networking (the default setting). It may be a proxy issue but I cannot say.

What I can say however is the "ideturbo=false" response has NOTHING to do with networking. It is a setting for the hard disk transfer and should not be altered.

You may want to try the command nic_config_tivo and see what that says about your TiVo network settings

09-05-2006, 08:53 PM
Thanks Darren

yes it was me how rang you,still trying to nut this problem out!!!
sorry for opening a new thread but got no replys to my initial question and did not know how to continue.

I tried nic_config_tivo and all seems in order...well as far as i can tell anyway

I tried the above test as advised by another member(Jeff) who thought the output should look somthing like this;root=/dev/hda4 TV_STD=PAL GS=0 netcard=turbonet.

So anyone got any ideas why mine is different,and is there any other way to
confirm what tivo is seeing as far as a network card...

I have added my original question,hope this helps

I am having a fue problems getting my tivo past the first test call in
guided setup and was hoping someome might be able to give me some advice.
The tivo is a thompson uk10 tivo which i had working in the uk,i managed
to upgrade the drive and add a turbonet card,which all worked well i used
tivoweb though the network card many times..now i am back home i have
fitted a new drive with firstly the philips image then the sony image.both
with no joy..

I have spent many hours reading oztivo forum and the mailing list and
have tried all the networking tests in oztivo network how to. but am still at a
loss.On both images i have been able to connect to my tivo using putty over
the network and the results seemed to be ok. tivo replied to pings and i was
able to wget from oztivo.

At the monent i have tivo connected to a (d-link DL-614+) Wireless broadband
router(via cable) which is connected to my DSL Modem (ZYXEL660RU-TI).My pc
is networked to the router.

I also read that the isp could be a problem so also tried using Two other
isp in perth bigpond dialup and DSL and iinet DSL all giving the same problem
i could not get tivoweb to work but i think this is because i have not
finished the guides setup...

Is there any other tests or checks i can do...or am i just missing something simple!!!

Any help would be much apriciated

09-05-2006, 09:56 PM
I tried the above test as advised by another member(Jeff) who thought the output should look somthing like this;root=/dev/hda4 TV_STD=PAL GS=0 netcard=turbonet.

That output was used a couple of years ago. We no longer use this syntax for Bootpage.

The output you listed "root=/dev/hda4 runideturbo=false TV_STD=PAL GS=1" is correct for a current image TiVo that has not completed guided setup.

I think I have an idea what might be wrong :D

Exactly what values are you entering for program source, Zip code, and Area code before the guided setup tries to make the first call?


09-05-2006, 10:12 PM
Hi Peter

I have been using 06000 as zip code,008 as area code and have selected cable as the Program Source.

cheers Jon

09-05-2006, 11:39 PM
My hunch was wrong then :confused:

Are you sure you haven't selected antenna as source. The symptoms you describe are exactly what happens if you select antenna by mistake.

Failing that can you try taking your TiVo to a friends house and use their ADSL to see if you could complete Guided setup.


10-05-2006, 12:10 AM
you made me think,so double checked and it is definatly using cable. is it worth trying any other setting.

also have tried mates cable broadband to try to complete guided set up with no luck...tried it about ten times actually!!! and originally i was using bigpond dial up..thought it might be that so joined iinet broad band.still no luck

dont supose you have any other ideas???

thanks again


10-05-2006, 11:27 AM
Can't think of anything off the top of my head.

Someone has recently complained that iinet have proxies which were blocking calls, but as far as i'm aware bigpond that you tried should work fine.

Since you have telnet access, maybe you can try doing a GS again and then after it fails copy the tclient.log to a zip file and post it here.


10-05-2006, 07:42 PM
Is it possible to get a log of the GS using putty over the network or do i have to use a telnet program.(what is a good program)and dose this have to be done using serial cable

10-05-2006, 08:51 PM
Is it possible to get a log of the GS using putty over the network or do i have to use a telnet program.(what is a good program)and dose this have to be done using serial cable

Putty is a telnet program and is perfect for this use.

Type "cat /var/log/tclient"

And then copy the output to notepad or a word processor, save the file, zip it, then post it here.

I'm only assuming the call for GS is in tclient, as I have never needed to check before.


10-05-2006, 10:16 PM
cheers peter

will give that a go


14-05-2006, 05:44 PM
g,day peter

sorry to take so long.hope this is all right.it all seemed to work ok.

cheers jon

14-05-2006, 09:40 PM
the problem seems to be from this line

May 14 08:36:32 (none) comm[149]: CommUtil: connection to host, port 8000, err 0x50005

For it to be sucessful it should show 'err 0x0' not 'err 0x5005'.

So it seem that there is an error either with emuproxy2 running on the TiVo or just a proxy error with your ISP.

The only suggestion I have is to update emuproxy to a newer version like emuProxy3.tar (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/pub/Uploads/WebHome/emuProxy3.tar) &
emuProxyZA.gz (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/pub/Uploads/WebHome/emuProxyZA.gz)

I don't have any other suggestions for you at this stage, maybe someone else might jump in.

But I will keep it in mind, in case I think of something.


14-05-2006, 10:38 PM
thanks peter

i will give that ago

22-05-2006, 10:10 PM
Hi everyone

I have a fue more questions that are confusing me.

1) I am having major trouble trying to update emuproxy is there any instructions avalible for biginners the ones I have found dont have enough detail and I am at a loss at were to start.

2) I have installed the latest image,dose this not have emuproxy 3 installed.If so should I install emuproxyza

3)I did the tests to see whether my isp is transperant(by Tim Kleingeld)and it seemed to fail(iinet)so i checked my mates(big pond)and it failed too.should emuproxy3 or emuproxyza fix this

4)I have a thompson (uk) tivo and was wondering whether this needs to be done as well....The scartctl.tcl command needs to be placed in the background by appending an & to the line found near the bottom of the /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit script. Without this all the stuff in rc.sysinit.author never gets started... things such as the emuProxy2, FTP, cron, TivoWeb, etc ...or is this no longer problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

23-05-2006, 12:31 PM
I have a thompson (uk) tivo and was wondering whether this needs to be done as well....The scartctl.tcl command needs to be placed in the background by appending an & to the line found near the bottom of the /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit script. Without this all the stuff in rc.sysinit.author never gets started... things such as the emuProxy2, FTP, cron, TivoWeb, etc ...or is this no longer problem.

As far as I am aware this is still a problem in the current image.

Does TiVoWeb work for you?

If not then emuproxy2 is also probably not working.

You can check this by typing ps ax | grep emu in a telnet session

This should show you two lines:

[TiVo [p0] ~]# ps ax | grep emu
141 ? SW 0:00 emuProxy2 -s
390 p0 RW 0:00 grep emu

If you don't get the first line then emuproxy2 is not running.


[TiVo [p0] ~]# ps ax | grep emu
382 p0 RW 0:00 grep emu


24-05-2006, 11:37 PM
Hi Peter

Tivoweb is not working

I got the following results;

[TiVo [p0] ~]# ps ax | grep emu
164 p0 SW 0:00 grep emu
[TiVo [p0] ~]#

so emuproxy2 is not running

I have read the instructions on how to correct this but am still not shore how to do it..can you point me in the right direction

25-05-2006, 12:40 AM
on the TiVo do the following:

cd /etc/rc.d
cp rc.sysinit rc.sysinit.old
joe rc.sysinit

Scroll down to about row 892 at the very end of the file and you should see.

# Check to see if this is UK tivo, and if so, enable scart
if [ $videoconfig = 7 ]; then
echo "UK box, enable SCART"

Then scroll to the end of scarttcl.tcl and add a space and & so it looks like below.

# Check to see if this is UK tivo, and if so, enable scart
if [ $videoconfig = 7 ]; then
echo "UK box, enable SCART"
scarttcl.tcl &

Then hold CTRL, press k then x to save the file. Type ro to make the file system read only again.

When your ready type reboot to restart the TiVo and hopefully allow rc.sysinit.author to run.


28-05-2006, 02:04 PM
thank you Peter

well it took me a while to work it out,but once i did it was easy...and it worked!!!!

thank you very much Peter i really apriciate your help.

my tivo is up and running(inc.tivoweb) and i am off to play

cheers JON

28-05-2006, 03:12 PM
Glad to hear you got it going.
