View Full Version : Resetting Tivo from Foxtel Analogue to Digital

27-04-2006, 10:43 PM

i'm about to make the switch from foxtel analogue to digital. i think i know how to do this with the but what will happen to all of my already recorded programs on the tivo?:confused:


Darren King
28-04-2006, 07:20 AM
So long as you redo guided setup correctly (that is, go into TiVoWEB, click on the PAL/NTSC tab, select "Set PAL Guided setup mode", reboot TiVo and then from the TiVo menu you select "Redo Guided Setup") yor recorded programs will be safe.

28-04-2006, 04:41 PM
Exactly the info i need (and wanted to hear:D )

Thanks heaps Darren.