View Full Version : Newb Question: channels over multiple timezones

23-04-2006, 04:19 PM
Hi all!

rather new to oztivo - have been lurking here a while, and am about to take the plunge and buy my first tivo.

However, i have one important question: is it possible to have accurate guide data when receiving channels broadcast from multiple timezones?

More specifically, i want to use the tivo on Norfolk Island. Norfolk is AEDT +1.5 hrs, and receives programming from ABC (NSW), SBS (NSW), Imparja (NT i think...) and Seven Central (also NT).

Is it possible to set individual timezone offsets for each channel? or is this calculated automatically by the tivo based on the channels i can receive and the local timezone i choose?

your input is greatly appreciated!


26-04-2006, 11:08 PM
This is all automatically done when we create a head end for you, if one does not already exist to suit your area.

It sounds like you basically receive the Aurora package from Optus. If this is the case we already have this loaded.


27-04-2006, 03:54 PM
So regardless of the timezone set in the Tivo locally, the guide data is automatically aligned correctly?

what is involved in creating a head end? is this even required if we get the aurora package - even though its in a different timezone?

sorry to sound so dense, its all a bit new!

27-04-2006, 06:42 PM
Correct, all the magic is done internally by both the TiVo and the server.

If the Aurora line-up is not correct for you. we will build you a norfolk island headend, but there is no point until you buy a TiVo.

How do you receive TV signals. Do you have your own satellite dish or just a TV aerial.


27-04-2006, 06:57 PM
That's great news! Thanks peter. i'll be ordering my Tivo straight away then!

All those channels are re-broadbcast on the island - so it's picked up with a normal tv aerial.

I'll let you know in a couple of weeks whether the aurora line-up works.



27-04-2006, 07:11 PM
Ok, since it's rebroadcast you will need a VCR to act as tuner for the channels. Check the IR codes list on the Oztivo.net website for VCR's that are already supported. If you use an unsupported VCR you will need to create the IR codes yourself, which while not difficult, some people have difficulty doing.

You use to be able to modify the TiVo by installing an internal PAL tuner, but these have run out and are no longer available.

You may want to try and purchase a TiVo locally that already has the tuner mod done.


08-05-2006, 07:34 PM
Hi All again!

well, i bought my tivo! from Ron at Hobotivo... seems to be working great so far... got through the guided setup and network issues. selected the appropriate channels from the aurora lineup.

i'm having trouble now as the frequencies that the channels are rebroadcast on here on Norfolk are different to those that the tivo expects. Only the ABC is showing up, but the tivo thinks it is channel 7. how do i tune in these non standard channels? i've had a play with palmod_config, and this will let me enter specific frequencies, is this the way? (will first have to find a friendly tv tech who can tell me the appriate freqs...) or is there a way of scanning for channels? do i need to reboot after changing palmod options?

Also, as we're GMT+11.5 hrs the system clock is reading wrong (it is showing AEST)... how can i change the timezone/clock to this (nonstandard) timezone?

appreciate your kind help (AGAIN!)



08-05-2006, 10:11 PM
I didn't consider the Timezone issue for you.

It would be best to make a custom headend for norfolk. That would take care of both the timezone and channel remapping.

Can you please post what stations you receive and what channel they are broadcast on.


09-05-2006, 08:35 AM
Hi Peter,

thanks for yoru responnse!

We receive ABC (NSW), SBS (NSW), Seven Central and Imparja (all present in the Aurora lineup).

Will head into town this morning and see if i can work out from someone what channels they are re-broadcast on. I know the tivo picked up ABC where it expected ch 7 to be... and i have a feeling SBS is on ch9. will post back later and confirm.



09-05-2006, 10:42 AM
Hi Peter,

found out the frequencies for the local channels, they are:

ABC - Ch7 (182.25)
SBS - Ch9 (196.25)
Seven Central - Ch12 (224.25)
Imparja - Ch 28 (527.25)

Hope that helps!


09-05-2006, 11:58 AM
Ok, i'll let you know once it has been created.


12-05-2006, 05:17 PM
Ok this has taken longer because both a new line up and headend had to be created for Norfolk Is.

Also it appears TiVo has never heard of norfolk Is.

So I need you to upload the attached file to your tivo. Unzip it and copy it to your /etc directory replacing the current file. This tells your TiVo that there is a place called Norfolk Is and what it's postcode is.

Tonight minnie will build the first Norfolk island slices.

So tomorrow you will need to redo guided setup.

to do this go into tivoweb, go to the pal-ntsc section and click 'Set PAL Guided Setup Mode'

Reboot your TiVo.

now go through the menus on screen, messages & setup/system reset/guided setup and follow the prompts to restart guided setup.

This time use 02899 as your postcode and 002 as the area code.

Follow the rest of the instructions as usual, you should have the option of a norfolk island lineup.


Edit: the slices have now been built, so you can do the above any time you like.

Edit 9:25 am 12/5/6 correct postcodezones file added.

13-05-2006, 06:57 AM
Hi Peter,

thanks for that.

had a quick look at the existing postcodezones file and the one you attached to the forum, and they seem identical... is that correct?

also, on my tivo /etc is read only... making it hard to replace the file... should i change this?

The past few days i've been able to tune in the local channels (using palmodconfig) so it has been working... albeit showing AEST.

the only problem i've encountered is that sound on one channel drops out after recording (or when completing successive recordings...) and continuously goes from loud to soft... could this be a signal issue (although other tv's and video recorders seem to be unaffected...

Thanks again for the help!


13-05-2006, 10:38 AM
had a quick look at the existing postcodezones file and the one you attached to the forum, and they seem identical... is that correct?

My bad I included the wrong file :(

I have attached the correct file now. It inlcudes a line with 02899 Pacific/Norfolk

also, on my tivo /etc is read only... making it hard to replace the file... should i change this?

Using telnet just type rw to change it to read/write and ro to change it back to read only. You can also do this through TiVoWeb using the remount root module.

the only problem i've encountered is that sound on one channel drops out after recording (or when completing successive recordings...) and continuously goes from loud to soft... could this be a signal issue (although other tv's and video recorders seem to be unaffected...

The TiVo tuner is very sensitive, much more so than VCR's & TV's. It requires a strong signal to hold sound. Make sure you are using good quality cables to avoid any interference, failing that you may need an amplifier to boost the signal.


15-05-2006, 11:54 AM
Hi again Peter,

thanks for setting up the norfolk headend for me! i re-ran the guided setup and was able to choose the correct lineup. However the guide data was all out by +12.5 hours... and i couldnt seem to right it.

As i was running out of time (was setting it up for my parents, and left norfolk on Sunday) i reverted to setting it to QLD, which left the clock off by 1.5 hours, but with the guide data properly aligned.

will hopefully get the chance to go and fix it up later in the year.

with regards to the sound issue, the antenna is aleady using an amplifier, but the cabling is a mess and will likely get looked at relativly soon. got around the problem for the meantime by tuning the offending channel a few htz off with palmodconfig. this cleared up the sound problem and only degraded the picture marginally. a bit of a hack, but hopefully it will be ok!

15-05-2006, 12:09 PM
thanks for setting up the norfolk headend for me! i re-ran the guided setup and was able to choose the correct lineup. However the guide data was all out by +12.5 hours... and i couldnt seem to right it.

This is normal straight after running GS. If left alone for 24 hours and then rebooted, the time should sync up.
