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View Full Version : In progess channel different to watched channel

02-04-2006, 08:44 AM
Hi everyone....

Yesterday while watching F1 qualifying, I pressed record on the Tivo remote, the in progress banner that came up asked if i wanted to record the Disney channel.
Strange thing is that it recorded F1 till the program on Disney finished, then stopped recording, now playing had the Disney program listed but was actually F1.

Anyone seen this before?


02-04-2006, 09:40 AM
Yesterday while watching F1 qualifying, I pressed record on the Tivo remote, the in progress banner that came up asked if i wanted to record the Disney channel.

One way this could happen is if the channel number for Disney was similar to that for the channel that was showing F1 qualifying. For example, if Disney is channel 51 and F1 was on channel 5 then it is likely that the TiVo had previously changed channel to the Disney channel, but that the STB did not get all the digits (eg the TiVo sent 051, and the STB received 05).

The following script will dump the automated channel changes from tivoLog.prv (with timestamps) which may help track down the cause:


grep '|ST|' /var/log/tivoLog.prv |\
tail -40 |\
tr '|' ' ' |\
while read time entry; do
echo `date -d "1/1/1970 + $time seconds"` - $entry