View Full Version : Australian TiVoHD
- New forum for issues specific to the Australian TiVo HD.
- First impressions of the Australian HD TiVo
- Picture Comparison for New TivoHD
- Before I buy the New TiVo HD..........
- Tivo Desktop Software and Media Access Key
- Honeymoon over - Tivo HD failed during Tour de France
- TivoHD Activation
- Features: OZTiVo, Aus TiVo, and US TiVo
- TiVo not finding ABC in Adelaide?
- Hack for External or Larger HDD ?
- 30 sec skip hack doesn't work
- Online Scheduling
- Any way to access cable TV channels with Tivo?
- series 1 OzTiVo versus TiVoHD
- Channel 9 EPG not working
- how to change time zone to Perth time?
- Tivo and Philips Pronto
- Controlling TiVo HD with a Pronto
- ABC1 ABC2 and ABC HD Season Passes
- Will Tivo HD survive in Aus?
- New TiVO patch out - fixes frozen remote/video issue
- HTS appoints new CEO
- TiVoHD now available at JB-HIFI and Clive Anthony
- Weather program appears
- First run season pass
- Remote control issue
- Tivo will have movies on demand and pizza orders
- David Jones To Sell TiVo Boxes
- The Seven Network have sold about 12,000 TiVo's and on track to sell 25,000 by Dec.
- Heavily discounted HD Tivos
- TiVo Trials Movie Download Service
- TiVo Glo Premium Remote - availability in Australia?
- Tivo HD Video quality
- Movie downloads available starting next week on TiVoHD.
- tivo/freeview
- Can Tivo Be Used as a Media Centre?
- Seven Media Looking At TiVo On A PC
- TiVoHD 1.5TB upgrade
- Setting up recording remotely from yahoo7
- Extenders for the TiVo HD will be available "Early 2009"
- Is "Network Remote Control" Available on OZ TivoHD?
- Tivo Sales Struggle As PVR Penetration Reaches 15%
- Tivo HD at DSE
- sbs guide data
- Remote Control Vs TV Issue
- Should there be a separate TiVo HD Mailing list?
- Bulk TivoHD purchase
- Wanted - Australian THD image, I prefer virgins.
- Reviews on the TivoHD
- My Tivo has died
- Looks TiVo have found an ISP to team up with for unmetered movie downloads.
- TiVo have released their Home Networking upgrade today.
- Australian Tivo users - Stand up and be counted
- New to TIVO - Is there any patches/fixes/anything I need to do...?
- Recording and storage
- TiVo HNP Problem
- Itunes podcast on TiVo
- Another TiVo Desktop Problem!
- Many TiVoHD questions
- Wireless then wired connection?
- iPrimus joins Internode with unmetered downloads
- How to change tivo HDD?
- Home Networking Package only $99.
- 30 Second Skip
- Low signal reception on a TiVoHD
- TiVo HD remote with Tevion TV
- TiVo Remote vs Hisense TV
- Home Networking & Tivo Desktop
- "To be Advised"... please help in QLD
- Why activate?
- Tivo & Wireless Router Still Not Connecting
- Choice of country during GS
- Sound problem
- Need help.
- Interesting post, I must not be the only one.
- Why does it take 6hrs to transcode 1 episode?
- Help with TIVO HD
- HNP Question :Viewing AVI files on TIVO from PC
- all recording to begin 5 mins early/end 5 mins later
- Having problems with file transfer
- Blackberry
- Wireless Adapter for TIVO
- Blockbuster movies on demand
- Problems with channels on Tivo....
- TiVo is having a one day sale on HNP Nov 25th 2009.
- TiVo Genie service starts Dec 1st (beta online now).
- having a problem with extending the recording
- New features launching December 1
- Sound Problems when using the optical output
- New 1.3b firmware
- 320Gb TiVo released, 160Gb TiVo price reduced.
- Original TiVo 160Gb on sale now at the TiVo store for $599 incl Wireless and HNP
- original TiVo 160Gb now on run out at JB & HN <$500
- TiVo is having another one day sale on HNP Dec 11th 2009.
- File transfer troubles
- Tivo HD remote used on HD and S1
- Mac compatibility
- Keeping HNP recordings
- Need help with season passes
- Gray Screen on my Tivo
- Saving & converting TiVo files
- Space on disk remaining
- TiVoHD Data Usage?
- Missing "To Do" programs
- is 1.2tb the limit on upgrading drive?
- Best HD setup - who should do the scaling question
- HD remote codes
- TiVo - Wireless Adapter
- HNP Folders On Tivo
- problem transfering tivo files
- Problems With EPG
- watching multiple recordings
- tivo just died
- Networking Noob please help.
- wishlist for SD only
- Finally . . . time to switch?
- Cant connect to tivo service
- Fast forwarding advertisements
- Buy Series 3 remote from third party
- avg and tivo
- Two TiVos, multi-room viewing. Anyone tried it?
- Video output settings won't save
- service not available
- No sound
- Using TIVO remote with a Loewe Planus TV
- Tuner problems / poor signal
- Extend Recordings Broken
- TivoHD didn't do me a favour last night
- TiVo not smart enough sometimes ?
- Tivoweb on AU Tivo?
- Second Tivo disappears from Now playing list / Garbled Video / Backup a TIVO
- Newbie Q: record 2 & watch liveTV?
- TivoHD - Wireless Repeater & Tivo Desktop issue
- Is there any way to backup Season passes in tivo HD
- Hard drive upgrade worked, almost!
- New to tvo please help if you can or send me to corrct place mark
- Problems with Channel 10 and One HD in Sydney
- Issues with tuner conflicts- can someone please help.
- Home Networking Package issue
- Tivo Desktop not connecting to Tivo - Help!
- CASPA on demand Feedback
- Tasmanian TV Guide Issues.
- Networking coinnectivity and Recording
- Tivo Genie issues
- Tivo not so smart
- TiVo intends to write custom software to pluck out the CRID auto-correct details
- Tivo HD fails to record a whole show
- Season Pass - "Keep at most" setting
- tivo hd fails to record audio on occasion
- Multi-room viewing not working
- Green Flashing light
- TIVO no longer grouping recoedings ?
- TiVoHD to DVD on Mac
- Tivo Genie service - always get error occurred message
- Tivo Bluetooth remote (with keyboard)
- Device Name Not Updating and Deactivate / Activate Option
- extremely unhappy Tivo owner here....
- Tivo on the IPAD..
- Tivo SUGGESTIONS stopped working, cant get it back!
- Damn Tivo now has garbled video
- What happened to Tivo's phone support service?
- Another unhappy tivo owner
- What to do when tivo out of warranty
- Activate issue - very unhappy - ombudsman next
- Seven pulls the plug on TiVo
- tivo wireless device gone offline
- Help Please N18 Error TiVo support not cutting it
- Tivo set top box on its way out?
- What's the story with CASPA On Demand
- connecting 2 tv's
- HDMI problem
- Sound Lag when Changing Channels/ HELP!!!
- Remote code for Kogan TV
- I feel the need... the need for speed...
- Video Output Format
- External HD?
- general oztivo hd hacking questions
- Tivo desktop+ dolby sound issue.
- Speeding up Tivo to PC downloads
- iTivo & now playing widget create empty download files but previously worked fine
- TiVo (zero) Support?
- How to do a scan disk / disk check etc?
- TIVO wont connect
- Tivo HD freezing after update
- Connect TIVO to Sony Bravia TV Problem Any ideas??
- TIVO Warranty Service in Perth Australia.
- New "Limited Edition" 1TB TiVo XL $699 here in time for Christmas Presents
- New Boss for Hybrid TV
- on/off
- Tivo 663320 Hard Drive Failure
- erm What's happening with Tivo???
- Intermittent loss of picture on new Tivo
- Rework my TiVo
- Convert Home Videos to .Tivo format with metadata
- CASPA message showing at bottom of TIVo Central menus
- Tivo Series 1 program transfer to Series 3
- TiVo Failure - Advice Needed Please....
- Advice on TiVo 320 units
- Will a New Zealand Tivo work in Australia?
- TiVo asking for activation after 4years
- Netgear ReadyNAS streaming content to TiVoHD
- Can't automatically transfer videos from PC to Tivo
- ipad app - getting closer ?
- New HDD
- Tivo HD TCD633160 with suspected dead HDD.
- Tivo Dead??
- Tivo Dead
- Replacement TiVo remote
- Help, how do we download media from Tivo without Tivo NHP/Desktop?????
- Tivo has become very slow to respond. Help needed
- Western Digital 1TB External Drive Disk Failure
- Free TiVo
- TiVo Connects to TiVo Service Okay but does not see other Newtworked TiVo's
- Australian Tivo Service Ending 31/10/2017 ?
- Lost all program Guides as of 08/03
- Australian and New Zealand whirlpoolers
- Removing and reinserting external drive when modding
- Failed While Negotiating
- TiVo desktop no longer works with Music, Photos and Showcases
- How hard was it to get modded and up and running again?
- How to get your TiVo up and running past October 2017
- Upgrade to 11.3b10 from 11.3b8
- Rename "Media Device Name"
- Incorrect time zone - post code issue?
- HDD capacity
- Old proms. Throw them out?
- Update advice for rookies, from a rookie.
- Peanut remotes - cheap on ebay
- Advance button on remote not returning to program start
- It works!
- Fault in guide
- Grey screen while changing channels
- How can I locate Tivo device on my home network?
- Updating of Guide
- Tivo Home Networking issues
- WinMFS
- Anyone succesful with alternate wifi adapters
- Season Pass setup
- 1,000 TiVo's and counting!
- VCM Connection
- Log file for S03 error
- Analog Component to HD??
- Were TiVos sold with 1TB hard drives?
- Help! My Tivo has died!
- Unable to connect and update EPG: N17 Error
- Only Saturday (today's ) epg
- Batch upload of .tivo files from PC to TiVo
- Tivo without MAK
- Hard drive not recognized on replacement motherboard
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