Hi and welcome.
Well, even if you did get the manual with the TiVo you could pretty much throw it away as a fair chunk of it relates to a TiVo in the USA which they are definitely NOT the same here. I guess the "quick connection" guide might help you here and I might consider putting that on my website one of these days but then again TiVo might not like that so I'll have to think about it first
I sincerely hope that your "impulse" didn't mean you bought one and then wondered how they work in Australia because unfortunately they are definitely not a "plug in and play" device. At best they are an experimental device that does require a little effort on your part to get one functional.
Anyway, all that aside I guess the first thing you are going to have to do if you have not done so already is get the OzTiVo software onto a hard disk otherwise the TiVo is not going to do much here. And while you are at it you might consider how you are going to hook up the TiVo to your internet connection otherwise it is going to be a hard job even getting it ready for use because the bulk of the configuration requires the TiVo to connect to the OzTiVo server. This does not mean you can simply use the internal modem either as there is no such thing in Australia as a dialup number that automatically does everything like there is in the USA.
As for actually connecting it up to your Optus box that depends on the type of connections you have on the Optus box. You are at minimum going to have to have left/right audio out of the Optus box fed into the left/right audio input on the back of the TiVo. To get picture if the Optus box has an S-Video type of connector then you can feed the video signal out of that into the S-Video input connector on the back of the TiVo, or alternatively if the Optus box does not have S-Video then you are going to be limited to the RCA style connector for getting video into the TiVo.
After you have imaged the hard disk and then connected the cables then you can plug the TiVo into the power point. When the tivo greets you with the "Welcome to Guided Setup" you then follow the directions here: http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/vie.../GuidedSetup30
Oh, and it will help if you plug in the IR Blaster and put the little emitter head at the front of the Optus box. That way the TiVo can change the channels you receive from your Optus box. This is a must if you want the TiVo to auto record your programs!
As hinted, the OzTiVo website (from the link above) has more information and FAQ for beginners. The shortcut to the main page of that website is www.oztivo.com
Good luck and happy ozTiVo