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Thread: Suggestions / Wishlist for next version?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Wellington, NZ

    Enabling job-control (ctrl-c/z) via the serial port

    To enable job control via serial cable connections you will need to remove the call in the script, and comment out any lines that may exist near the bottom of the rc.sysinit script that look like "/bin/bash </dev/ttyS3 >& /dev/ttyS3 &", and place the following lines at the very bottom of the rc.sysinit script:

    # ShellOnDDS with job-control
    exec < /dev/ttyS3 >& /dev/ttyS3
    while :; do
      /bin/bash -login
    After a reboot you will be able to use Ctrl-Z (background) and Ctrl-C (interrupt) when connecting via a serial cable.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Wellington, NZ

    Reduce the chance of any add-on causing a video-glitch

    By inserting the following lines before additional applications are loaded by you can ensure that all additional modules will have minimal effect on any TiVo process. This will reduce the likelyhood that poorly written modules (or those requiring a lot of CPU/MFS access) will cause glitches during playback.

    # Run the following at low priority
    [ -x /var/hack/bin/setpri ] && /var/hack/bin/setpri fifo 1 $$
    Anything started after the call to setpri has been made will now run at a priority level of 1 (lowest) rather than the default of 25. Of course you will need the (mbm) setpri binary.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Christchurch, NZ

    One for the wishlist... change order things start up

    I'd quite like to see a change to the order the various systems start up - I managed to get my Tivo in a knot and would have like to telnet to it to find out what was going on. Didn't have to reimage but got v close...

    Maybe starting the networking & telnet/tivoweb stuff very early on would be helpful so you could see/fix the state of the box if it froze?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    South Africa

    OzTiVo image changes to support TivoZA, nzTivo & nlTivo

    I have made the request in as well but for completness sake I will add it here.

    I know this request isn't needed by the ozTivo community but for the other communities (TivoZA, nzTivo & nlTivo) already using the ozTivo image the following changes would really be great. These changes would allow our users to use the ozTivo installation as is without needing to make any special changes to fix clock warping or access to the emulator (aside from commenting in and out in
    In, comment out the following line:
    emuProxy2 -s &
    and replace it with (assuming you decide to use emuProxyZA):
    emuProxyZA -s &	#ozTivo emulator
    #emuProxyZA -s &	#TivoZA emulator
    #emuProxyZA -s &	#nzTivo emulator: Original
    #emuProxyZA -s &	#nzTivo emulator: Orac
    #emuProxyZA -s &	#nlTivo emulator
    Making the above changes allows users of other emulators to easily comment out the first line and uncomment their relevant guide provider.

    Adding the following lines to '/etc/postcodezones' would prevent clock warping without causing any problems for the ozTivo community:
    12345	Africa/Johannesburg
    54321	Africa/Johannesburg
    02113	Pacific/Auckland
    02115	Pacific/Auckland
    01014	Europe/Amsterdam
    02500	Europe/Amsterdam
    02612	Europe/Amsterdam
    02671	Europe/Amsterdam
    08004	Europe/Amsterdam
    09000	Europe/Amsterdam
    I have checked the above postal codes against the existing ones in '/etc/postcodezones' and there are no conflicts.

    These changes would very much be appreciated, by all 3 communities. If you have any question or would like to discuss these changes please feel free to post them on the following forum topic:

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