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Thread: Tivo HD coming to NZ?

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by CheshireCat View Post
    (on a separate note, mr moderator, can we split this single monolithic thread up into separate issues?)
    This thread is is a bit hard to break up, but feel free to start new threads on different subjects.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by Lurker View Post
    Pity you didn't bring your UK Tivo with you
    They work like a charm with a little work
    I donated it to my mum before leaving the UK as I thought it wouldn't be possible to get it working here... now, I have just inherited my father's Tivo, but decided not to ship it out here as NZ Tivo is on its way anyways; I can give it to my sister instead, and spread the tivoly goodness...

    Thanks to Skolink for the offer of help, though. I know its possible, I just don't have the time to hack as I have 2 small kids (which is why I need a TiVo - so I can pause TV and actually watch something other than Bob the ^&*%! Builder for once...)
    Steve Shipway
    Auckland, New Zealand
    2x S3 TiVo HD 320GB (FreeView) - Orcon Internet
    1x S3 TiVo HD 320GB - Power supply reparied, see how I did it here
    UK S1 TiVo - Needs conversion to TivoNZ - For sale

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Christchurch, New Zealand

    Free HPN

    In case anyone isn't signed up to the Telecom/TiVo New Zeland newsletter, you can get the HNP for free if you buy a TiVo before 24 January 2010 (once it launches Friday 6 Nov 2009).

    TiVo Series3 TiVoHD x2

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Christchurch, New Zealand

    CASPA and Genie

    "Today, in a demonstration of the TiVo interface that the New Zealand market will see, Hybrid CEO Robbee Minicola showed off a few features that the company has not yet rolled out to its Australian customers."

    TiVo Series3 TiVoHD x2

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    And some video demonstrations of Tivo in action for NZ;
    US Philips HDR212 Series 1 Tivo, Cachecard with 512MB RAM, 320GB hard disk, OzTivo Image 1.6.2-20061109. Tivo rocks!
    New Zealand

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    New Zealand
    Just spoken to the tivo salesgirl by phone...

    Looks like you can only buy a NZ Tivo over the net by phone if you are a Telecom customer. Everyone else must go into a store.

    The 1TB expansion box is available here for purchase now, and $300 (I forgot to make an exact note of the price)

    The Tivo sale pitch and web site doesnt exactly make it clear the all the main features still work fine if you're not with telecom. Seems a bit anticompetitive if you ask me.

    A bit of delving later reveals the explanation for this. The video rental/pay per view stuff in the NZ Tivo is owned and operated by Hybrid (the TivoNZ people). Therefore, they want everyone to use it as it makes them ongoing money. However, you wouldnt use it unless you have zero-rated broadband for the content download. Telecom made a deal with them to do this but only if it is only available via Telecom. Win for telcom, win for Hybrid. A bit of a lose for customers who dont intend to use the pay-content services. Hybrid just want to do everything legally possibly to ensure that people are as likely as possible to use these services, which means pushing them to get an ISP which gives zero-rating for the content.

    Ive also heard annoying news that Prime and MaoriTV have refused to allow Tivo to publish guide data. Maoritv is no loss but Prime sometimes has good stuff, although I rarely see it since the listings arent available on teletext. I'm wondering if theres going to be any way to hack the tivo to take multiple guide data inputs (so someone can set up an independent feed of Prime listings)

    Id be in the shop buying one now except I broke my leg last week and can't walk or drive for 6 weeks...
    Last edited by CheshireCat; 06-11-2009 at 10:13 AM.
    Steve Shipway
    Auckland, New Zealand
    2x S3 TiVo HD 320GB (FreeView) - Orcon Internet
    1x S3 TiVo HD 320GB - Power supply reparied, see how I did it here
    UK S1 TiVo - Needs conversion to TivoNZ - For sale

  7. #67
    I've never understood why TVNZ doesn't play hard ball and refuse to let SKY use it's EPG data (like Prime is doing to them). I think they'd be an uproar if MySky users suddenly couldn't season pass TVNZ channels.

    My dream is for a TiVo HD with a SKY Sports subscription added on.........but it'll never happen :-(

  8. #68
    I have one setup and running now

    I'm pretty stoked
    Can confirm, online content reports a networking error as I'm not a telecom customer

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    New Zealand
    I have mine too
    I have posted a full review in a separate thread awaiting moderator approval.
    Steve Shipway
    Auckland, New Zealand
    2x S3 TiVo HD 320GB (FreeView) - Orcon Internet
    1x S3 TiVo HD 320GB - Power supply reparied, see how I did it here
    UK S1 TiVo - Needs conversion to TivoNZ - For sale

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    I have approved your post, thanks for the review.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

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