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Thread: No Guide Data on Playhouse Disney

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Northcote, North Shore

    No Guide Data on Playhouse Disney

    Since a few days I have no guide data at all on PHouse, just a message "to be announced". Anyone got any clues - my daughter would appreciate it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    The Mainland
    This channel's data is from the oztivo tvguide setup ... pay to check out
    1 x Philips TiVo Series 1, Cachecard, 1 x 1TB SATA (with recent TradeMe sourced adaptor), Mk II Pal Tuner Mod, NZ Emulator, Previously Dual A/V Source, Now Pay Satellite
    2 x TiVo HD, Freeview, HNP, 2TB (WD-AV) jmfs upgraded
    1 x Thomson UK TiVo, Cachecard, 200GB, Testing Work

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Right now we have lost some of our regular uploaders, so we are missing quite a bit of pay data.

    We need more people to give back to our community and upload the missing data.

    Have a look here & here.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Auckland, NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by petestrash View Post

    We need more people to give back to our community .........


    Sounds familiar
    TiVo Series 1 Thompson PVR10UK Unit, Dual 250Gb, 512Mb Cachecard, NZ Emulator Port 8000
    TiVo Series 1 Sony SVR2000 unit, Dual 300Gb, 512Mb Cachecard, Philips FTA Tuner, NZ Emulator Port 80
    TiVo Series 1 Philips unit, Dual 160Gb, Turbonet, FTA Tuner, Private Emulator
    TiVo Series 1 Philips unit, 120Gb, Turbonet, Dev Emulator, Development Unit...
    DTiVo Series 1 Philips DSR6000 unit, 120Gb, Turbonet, Work in progress...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Tairua, NZ
    Right. I've tried several times to figure out how to help and I just can't. I'm not an expert but neither am I stupid, and the instructions just don't seem to make sense. I suspect I may not be alone in trying to help but being unable to actually work out how to do so, so giving up. That's probably why there are so few helpers. The one's who do know how to do it bear all the burden because it just not clear enough for the rest of us.

    I followed the second link from Pete below (the first link had so much info I had no idea where to start, and when I did follow some links I got to a point where it said I wasn't registered, had no permission to be there and should piss off - so I did) and downloaded and ran SDE, the Station Day Editor. Firstly, I note that the stations all seem to be Australian ones with the possible exception of TV1. But worse, because I can't see which items ARE already entered, I have no idea what programme information is needed to help out.

    Surely, the guide as it currently is should be presented (perhaps after selecting a channel), so we can see where the holes are and then we can go ahead and fill in the missing data.

    Or am I missing the point entirely?

    TiVo Series 1 Philips unit, 750Gb, Turbonet, Topfield Freeview satellite Tuner
    TiVo Series 1 Philips unit, 120Gb, Wireless, CoShip Freeview satellite tuner

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    There is a lot of information, and I think you have missed some of the important bits.

    Firstly something that is not mentioned, but should be, is that this is an Australian Site for Australian schedules.

    The TV1 channel that you mention is a PayTV channel that specialises in re-runs of classic TV series, nothing to do with TV1 in NZ.

    We do not have anything to do with NZ Guide data directly. NZTiVo does pull some of it's Pay TV guide from us, like Playhouse Disney (the topic of this thread).

    We do not have any local NZ channels in our database, so you cannot fix issues with local channels through us.

    If you did want to fix some of the missing pay data you first need to see if we are the ones who are providing it.

    All of our guide data is available via the TV Guide web interface, which first requires registration.

    There you will see exactly which channels have data and for how far into the future.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Northcote, North Shore
    Hi Pete,

    Your points are well taken, but I am afraid David is right. I am in exactly the same position, I have no problem dedicating a little bit of time to input some data, but it is just too complicated to work. I don't think this needs a large debate about the willingness to conribute, because I do believe that willingness is there, but there are many people like David who will just turn away because they are overwhelmed by the amount of information there is to read and the effort that seems to be required to turn program information into data that the guide database will actually understand, not to mention different stationday format version and all the other pitfalls. In fact, I was about to write a post with a similar content to David's when I read his.

    I myself have given up a few times already to help as it is just too darn complicated. Then a few months later I come back as I have somewhat of a guilty conscience only to turn away again as it has all changed, not necessarily for the better, just changed. We all appreciate the effort every one of the gurus is putting into this, but you will not get a large degree of assistance if it stays an insider task.

    As nice as the UI for the stationday editor is, it takes forever to enter just a single show. Look at Playhouse TV, there are about 90 shows every day with no repeatable pattern, it would take forever and a day to enter these one by one. I would have thought a spreadsheet prepped by an Excel whiz would be such a simple tool, but just the instructions published in the "how to" section take an eternity to grasp, with all the extra steps necessary once the spreadsheet is made.

    I'm determined not to give up this time so I will make it a point to help, even if all I do is get a days worth of data in with a spreadsheet that I construct myself, but I have to say if this stays as it is many more people like me will look, but ultimately turn away.



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Tairua, NZ
    I'm now even more confused. This thread is in the section "New Zealand TV Guide Issues" so I assumed that any information on how to help related specifically to NZ data. Pete's post appears to imply that the instructions he posted below only apply to Australian data.

    I live in NZ, have not been able to get full guide data for several days, and had come here as the obvious place (given the heading) to see if anyone else was having the same problem. If it's a global problem, then I was going to give it yet another go to see if I could help out. If it's not, then I need to find out what is wrong with my system (NB I have two TiVo's and they both have the same problem so it's not a TiVo specific issue). So:

    1. Can someone else in NZ confirm whether or not they are having guide issues right now? Both TiVos say they successfully connected last night but I have no data for TV1, one day's data for TV2 and C4, and two days data for TV3. This has been the case for several days now.

    2. Can someone put up instructions on how to update NZ data? I also noted that Pete mentioned the word "pay" data. Is free to air data created automatically?

    TiVo Series 1 Philips unit, 750Gb, Turbonet, Topfield Freeview satellite Tuner
    TiVo Series 1 Philips unit, 120Gb, Wireless, CoShip Freeview satellite tuner

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Tairua, NZ
    OK don't bother to answer question one. I see a new thread sprang up yesterday after I posted here first saying there IS a global problem.

    TiVo Series 1 Philips unit, 750Gb, Turbonet, Topfield Freeview satellite Tuner
    TiVo Series 1 Philips unit, 120Gb, Wireless, CoShip Freeview satellite tuner

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    David this thread was specifically about data missing for Playhouse Disney, but you seem to have extended that to all missing NZ data.

    I answered in here as this particular data is sourced from us (OzTiVo) by NZTiVo.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

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