
I imaged my backup/play Tivo (US Philips series 1 unit) with the latest NZ image recommended in the NZ image thread.

Went pretty smoothly, much easier than the one I originally installed so congrats to the developers.

The only wrinkle was that TivoWebPlus did not start up, I browsed to port 80 and nothing.

When I dug around and tried to see what was broken I had a look in the /hack/tivowebplus dir and saw the script which seems to launch the TWP server. If I start it with './tivowebplus start' it runs silently, but then './tivowebplus status' tells me there is no httpd running.

When I try to start the console (presumably that shows stuff that the TWP server is doing or am I wrong?) I get this error message:

[TiVo2 [p0] /hack/TivoWebPlus]# ./tivoweb console
[TiVo2 [p0] /hack/TivoWebPlus]# TivoWebPlus - v1.2.3 (1.2.3 (oztivo-060804))
The program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This program is licensed under the GPL.
See the 'docs/copyright' and 'docs/index.html' files
for copyright and credit information.
Unable to get crypto chip's attention!
while executing
"exec crypto -gsn"
("uplevel" body line 6)
invoked from within
"uplevel $body"
invoked from within
"transaction {uplevel $body}"
(procedure "RetryTransaction" line 5)
invoked from within
"RetryTransaction {

if { [info exists env(SerialNumber)] && [string trim $env(SerialNumber) "0"] !
= "" && [string length $env(SerialNumber)] == 15 }..."
(file "./httpd-tt.tcl" line 748)
[TiVo2 [p1] ~]#
[TiVo2 [p1] ~]#

I can start the old TW version OK by going into the tivoweb directory and running the similar launch script. Then I can browse to it OK.

Anyone got any ideas what is going wrong?

Is what I am trying to do legitimate? My guess is that script is normally launched on startup but as mine is somehow broken it fails and no TivoWebPlus.

Or should I just be happy with the old TivoWeb??