
I have a WD 250 GB hdd in my TIVO and my TIVO's reliablility has been very unstable of late. Usually I can go for almost a month and 95% of my recordings are fine, no problems at all. Then things start getting worse, sound dissapeares and video becomes jerky in my recordings and also while watching live TV. Sometimes the sound comes back by changing channels, but other times a reboot is needed.
My solution earlier has been to delete all of my recorded shows, and the TIVO would become nice and stable for a period of time again.
To me this sounds like a hdd issue, as the recording hits bad sectors or something similar like that....could this be the case ?

If so, I was wondering if there is a "proper" way/tool to format/fix the hdd so the possible bad sectors would be marked or fixed ?
Any suggestions ?


