Hi all again,

Iv'e been spending the last days reading through the various guides and I just realized a frightening thing. I'm pretty sure there must be a way around it but I have not found it in the guides or in the forums. So If someone who has the knowledge can answer I'll sure appreciate it.

So far I've got the guide in the xmltv form, but I realize that I might have to add some stuff to the xml, for example I must be able to tell which set top box each channel belongs to.

So here are my questions on the guide data (slices)

1. As far as I can read the only way to get the slice into the Tivo is to dial a number, is this correct ?

2. And if not how would I go about it ?

3. Is there a simple way to make a slice out of xmltv xml ?

4. If not where can I find details on the slice format ?

I've seen some snaps from inside the Tivo Series one. And I can see that it has, in at least some pictures, an ethernet port and in one of the guides it is shown how to extend it to the back of the case.

5. Do all of the Tivo Series 1 units have an ethernet port, or am I dead wrong ?

Thanks again for the help so far,
Regards/ Arro of Iceland