Hi Guys,

I bought my philips HDR120 TIVO some months ago from George in Eksys.
I installed the oztivo image (1.4), and went thorugh the setup.
As soon as I started the TIVO up I saw there was a little 'jerky' pictures, this would go away if i reboot the system, but re-appear again, sometimes after 5-10 minutes, other times after a few hours.
I tried some recordings, and thought I was in heaven when I was able to watch the beginning of the recording perfectly, but then I tried to fast forward and the problems started.....I was not able to get it to play back normal again, the picture was just jumping fortha and back, and lots of artifacts....this happened on all the recordings i made...it didnt even help to restart the decoder....
Even if i did not fast forward, the picture would eventually start staggering and LOTS of artifacts would appear, plus the sound would also dissapear.
To keep the house in peace, the TIVO was disconnected for some months so I could figure out what to do.

A few days ago i took the old TIVO out again, re-imaged the harddrive and tried again. Much to my dismay, the picture is still jerky when watching live tv...I tried a recording, and to my suprise the video and sound was working perfectly for about 40-50 minutes..then all sound cut out and picture was getting more and more artifacts...but it was not unwatchable. I kept watching through my recorded game without sound in fear of that oif i tried to restart the recorder, the recording would be unwachable again (like it did the first time around). At the end of the game, i actually found out that the whole system had locked up, the remote didnt work at all, had to disconnect the system.

I just read that alaskadude had similar problems with the sound cutting off after 40-50 minutes, but his problem was related to his airnet card.
I dont have a airnet card, Im actually not sure which card I have ( either cachecard or turbonet i thing) Can I find out from inside the TIVO ?

So my two problems that has to be fixed is the constant jerky video in live tiv playback ( especially if I try to pause/play live tv ), and the sound cutting off on my recordings.......

I thought the problem might live with the old 20gb maxtor drive inside it, and I am planning to change it out for a newer 200gb one...but I just thought I could ask here on the forum to see If I could get some points to check out before I fork out the money for a new hdd, just to find out that the problem will stay the same

So please guys, if you have any info that could be valuable to me, please let me know !!

Have a great day!!

