Hi all,

The fundamental question of this post is:
Is it possible to copy programs (recorded tv shows) from one Tivo to another over an ethernet network?
If so, do you have a link to the details on how to carry out this work (as I have been unable to find it)?

Our household is currently experiencing Tivo withdrawl.
If Hannah Montannah or Zoe 101 doesn't make an appearance on tv soon, I'm expecting one of my daughters is going to smother me in my sleep . . . . .

The problem with the Tivo is that is won't "phone home" via it's ethernet connection, but attempts to use it's (non existent) modem connection.
We've tried resolving this by renaming the "cua1" file, in an attempt to disable the modem, but that resulted in the Tivo "purple-screening" and rebooting each time it attempted to phone home.

We've decided that there's something fundamentally screwed with the programming on the Tivo, and that it's time to rebuild from scratch.

Now, I have to hand a couple of useful tools, which include the following:
- a second Tivo (with SiliconDust CacheCard w/512MB)
- a pair of 500GB AV-class HDDs (newly imaged)
- a P4 PC w/CD ROM & 320Gb HDD

It was my intention to set up the second Tivo, copy all the data from the first to the second, then rebuild the first and keep it in reserve.

From what I've read, it's my understanding that season passes, wish lists, etc, can be backed up and restored, relatively quickly and easily.
But if you want to transfer the actual recordings, you need a 'C' drive large enough to accommodate the total recording data on the first Tivo (over 600Gb in this instance) . . . which I don't have access to.

Note: while it's possible to "clone" the drives, I'm worried about cloning the s/w error that's causing the problem in the first place, so unless someone can convince me otherwise, I'm steering clear of this option.

However, I seem to remember reading somewhere that it is also possible to transfer recordings from one Tivo to another over an ethernet network.
. . . . Is this possible?

If possible, I'll set up the second Tivo, copy the wishlists, season passes, etc. to the new Tivo HDDs while they're connected to the PC, then copy the program data over the network.

Any input would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.