My Series 1 Phillips ran for years without a hitch until recently. A major GSOD meltdown caused me to need to reimage and I did so using the latest image (old one was 1.3).

Initially all seemed OK, but I am having a lot of trouble. Recording is really hit and miss. Often Season Passes do not record. Soft pad does not seem to work, when programs do record they often finish early.

Strange thing is that it is like the Tivo thinks the hard drive is full (it isn't it is less then 50%). I say this because when you switch to a program that is scheduled to record (but isn't actually recording), you try to record it using the record button (but you can't it just goes "boing" and goes back to the program) then you delete a program from the library in "Now Playing" - the program shows up within seconds in the library as recording now and actually records without any other intervention by me!!

Any help gratefully received. As the Wife said "we really miss our old Tivo"
