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Thread: recording times wierd?

  1. #1

    recording times wierd?

    Hi all,
    My tivo has been out of maintenance mode since yesterday morning and times are correct and guide data has been sorted and is downloading at the set times I tried to record house last night with a running time of 1 hour 20 mins.. alas tivo recorded 1 minute 20 seconds of the channel and then stopped!

    I was wondering if anyone had seen this before and if there were any suggestions as to how to fix this?

    Thank you,
    - tom

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    Hi Tom,

    If you go into your todo list it has a section about previous recordings and will usually say why a show stopped or was not recorded. Loss of signal is one usual reasons.


    To make support easier please do not cross post questions both here and on the mailing list on the same day.

    It's ok to try one then the other (a Couple of days later) if you haven't recieved any responses though.
    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

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