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Thread: Season Pass limited

  1. #1

    Season Pass limited

    I'd set up a Season pass for TV3 News and TV2 Shorty and all seemed okay for a while.
    Then Shorty stopped recording and now the News. After investigating I found details in the To Do List saying they won't or didn't record because the same episode appeared in the Now Playing list or to do list within 28 days. And to change Recording Options to Show All (With Duplicates) which I've done.

    Does this mean a Season pass is only good for 28 days with Recording options as 'First Run or repeats' (which seems the default)?
    Should the changes I've made be good to record indefinitely? So one all okay on 1st day.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    The season pass relies on data to distinguish one show episode from another.

    Often for some shows like news, the episode information is the same each time.

    So, TiVo thinks each episode is a duplicate.

    You should have no problems with including duplicates for these types of shows to catch them all.

    Other series where the episode details vary don't have this problem.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

  3. #3
    For programs that are on at a set time each day (eg. 6PM news) I use manual record.
    Set this to record every day with a slightly early start and few minutes on the end and it will record regardless of program guide.
    The Now Playing list will show the program name if there is guide data for it.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the replies. I'll not use the Season Pass without ensuring All Duplicates. Or set it manually.


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