We purchased our tivo 2 weeks ago set it up activated our account and got it working ok (we got confirmation email that our account has been activated)recorded a few shows set up season pass etc.
After a week got messages asking us to activate our account,so we tried but was unable yo do any thing as tivo says the account is activated.
Now this stupid tivo mob have suspended our already active account as its not been activated?????????????
So again we try to activate it ,but same thing the account is already actvated so we are unable to do any thing and yet our account is suspended so we have now got nothing more than a very expensive set top box.
And of course I now find out this tivo mob have NO PHONE SUPPORT email only. with all the holidays we wont be able to get any help as they want two days to reply to each email What a load of rubbish.
So we send the email and get a computer reply to confirm they have our email and then we get a garbled email we are unable to read.So what now?? We tried the retailer and all we got was good luck trying to deal with Tivo.I wish they told us that before.
I also wish we had read this forum before as we would not have purchased this piece of rubbish.