I'll add my 2 cents worth on my experiences to date...

On visiting the stores (I went to two) I experienced a decided mix of knowledge. One store received their training 2 months prior and had no one who actually remember any of it. In the second I was handed off to the store expert who knew much of what she was talking about but still included several pieces of incorrect information - first that I could record up to 40 hours of HD and 80 hours of SD TV - infact this is 120 Hours HD and 250 Hours SD (up to...). Secondly that I could connect via another ISP and still use all the Caspa services, but I would have to pay the traffic (actually, if your ISP is not Telecom, wave goodbye to this feature).

I must also say that the Tivo support (after sale) is extremely average.

The first new Tivo I purchased would not boot up - sitting on a grey screen and staying there.
A call to the 0800 MY TIVO number resulted in several hours of checking and testing with techs "going away to try something" then coming back with no help. I lost count of the number of times I was asked if I had the cables plugged in correctly - despite having advised them I could see the first boot screen before it failed.
Tivo's replacement policy basically states you must endure this until the tech states the unit needs replacing and they will send you a new one by courier.
Instead I told the tech that it was clearly an Out-Of-Box Failure and I would return it to the store for a replacement - which he considered a good idea, and I did this without issue.
The second one booted no problem.
After setting it all up and having read this post first, patience was the order of the day. After having the MAK enabled, I still had issues with Tivo Genie reporting that it could not schedule a recording because tivo did not think I had Cable Channel x... but within a day this problem vanished and all was right with the world.
I have had occasion to email the MyTivo team with a support question, and clearly this is even less of a good idea. The question is somewhat irrelevant here, but I will copy their reply verbatim;

Hi Neil,

could you Please try these step for me and let me know if it wor for you or not
please delete the auto trasfer folder that you great and use my recording folder that is all ready created by default
What? They preceeded to copy and paste a solution to a different problem. My second attempt at the question resulted in the same copy and paste non-answer and I'm currently awaiting a thirst reply.

The support is not great for a commercial offering.

These failings aside, who can't love a Tivo? I've copied much of the content off the old Tivo (S1) and uploaded it to the new one with little hassle. I hope the level of support improves - I'm not sure where this is currently based, but I'm guessing by the Engrish in the email, it's an English-is-a-second-language country.

