Hey guys,

I've been wanting to get a Tivo for a while, and just bought one on a recent trip to the US. It's new Philips 212, and it hasn't been touched yet (other than putting a TurboNet 2.2 on it...not sure if there's anything I need to do to the Tivo to get that working).

I'm pretty sure I have all the necessary connections (network card, serial cables, etc), and was wondering what my next step is?

I'm assuming it's connecting it to my computer and loading a nzTivo-Philips image.

Does anyone have a link for how to do that? I've seen some talk of telnet, but it's been a few years since I've used it (back when dial up was used at my Uni). And I've used Unix, which I'm guessing has similar commands to Linux, but that's been a few years (7 or 8) as well. And I can ftp, but that's usually with a graphical interface, rather than via text commands (I'm starting to feel a little technically inadequate ;-)

Any help, and any other tips on how to get up and running...would be much appreciated :-)


P.S. Other info that may be relevant: I'm in Wellington, have Sky, broadband and a router (and a crossover cable if I wanted to connect directly from PC to Tivo).