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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Auckland, NZ

    I have registered the domain..
    wiki site coming soon


  2. #2
    I have setup a wiki here...

    as you can see that is the address for my soon to be completed tvschedules site but for now it is doubling as NZ Tivo wiki (my site hosting allows two domains so Jaidev is happy to point the domain he is getting setup to this site). Note the wiki is pretty basic, double click on a page to edit it. no restrictions as of yet. check the FAQ page for an example of a good page. straight from my site, hehe.

    anyway, i know at least one other person is experimenting with wiki's at the moment so we'll see. ie this is not permanent yet... tell us what u think. got a better alternative by all means share

    I like this wiki because its reasonably simple. u can pretty up the stylesheet reasonably easily and the editing is pretty straightforward.

    ps the wiki idea is a little confusing for those not familier with them. go nuts don't worry if u mess something up...

    tips: double click on whitespace to edit a page. To create a new page click inside the header at the top of the page and type in a suitable title for your page. The 'lost and found' will show any wiki pages that aren't being linked (ie orphaned).

    nb there's a couple of little page display quirks but i think i can iron those out easily enuf.

    grr sorry guys u can't actually edit any pages yet as i have to get a virtual directory set up with write permissions. unfortunately need to send a request to my hosting company to get that done. annoying. will be ready shortly...
    Last edited by timmy; 06-06-2004 at 11:32 PM.

  3. #3

    Thumbs up

    ok people it's working!!

  4. #4
    wohoo, added most of the content from my site, tidied up the main page and topics, added the intro page (complete with pictures no less) and increased the font size of the text

    still havent done anything on the emulator section. will take the info from Ed's thread and add that shortly...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Cheviot, North Canterbury
    that's really nice! I added something under the "streaming" tip..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Hey nice work tim ( yet again!)

    whats your thinking - have discussion forum here on oztivo and docs/ results/ final info recorded on wiki?

    I'm working thru the FTA/nicam nightmare and the threads have become split between my original post ( PAL Tuner in NZ? ) and yems thread (FS: 80Gb TiVo w/ palmod & cachecard)

    this thread needs to be recollated and filed for the next poor fool although its still in progress...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    You may want to PM jaidev, as he does not visit the forums much anymore.

    Please search this forum and our Website for your TiVo questions before starting a new thread. Thanks!

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