Quote Originally Posted by thomson
The bufferhack module can not be included due to license restrictions, and I have always left the hackman module out of the bundles as I feel if people require that level of access then they will be able to install and update it themselves (it's really a support thing, those kinds of low-level modules can cause many interesting situations, and people then start asking why all the other modules and hacks that hackman supports are not provided in the image ). It also messes around with startup files would could cause some users problems, depending on their setup. At the moment I prefer to leave the Hackman installation up to the end user (or the image creator as they can ensure the startup files are appropriate).
It's my understanding that the bufferhack module can be distributed, so long as it's not part of a paid for solution. I agree that hackman is for the more advanced users, it does provide a nice interface for bufferhack though. I was under the impression that hackman was now included with the official distribution of TivoWebPlus (since 1.2.1)?

To make the 'rc.sysinit.author' file compatible with hackman, the full directory paths need to be specified when calling other hacks. Going this route allows hackman to start and stop installed hacks such as telnet, ftp, mfs_ftp, etc.

Quote Originally Posted by thomson
The issue with the IP Address disappearing does not look like it will be an issue in this release. TivoWeb needs to be started after the network has been brought up. It could be that some DHCP implementations are taking a little longer to setup their addresses (you may even want to add a small sleep inside the DHCP network startup script?). TivoWeb should be one of the last things to load in your startup files.
Although the sleep method would also fix the issue, I decided that a better implementation would be to only set the IP address once it's actually required.

Quote Originally Posted by thomson
If you wish to try this bundle and copy over the hackman, bufferhack and livetv modules then I am interested in fixing any faults or bugs that you encounter.
When I create the next TivoZA image I will be making use of your TivoWebPlus distribution plus the extra modules that are not included. Once done, I'll let you know if we come across any problems.

Thanks for all your efforts in this regard