View Full Version : Telstra Saturn Digital Cable

09-08-2005, 09:19 PM
Hi all, it looks like Telstra Saturn are finally gearing up to launch digital cable. I got this link from a colleague who received an offer from Telstra to upgrade to digital cable.


So while I look forward to the improved video quality of digital cable, the questions are:
How will this effect the nz tivo community channel lineup and guide data?
Will we be able to control the new digital set top box with the Tivo IR blaster?

I am keen to get some thought on this started so we can hopefully be able to support digital cable. Obviously we have no real details from Telstra yet, but I hope the channel lineup numbers will remain the same with maybe additional channels not found on sky?

I recall that digital cable in the UK with ntl needed to use an additional adapter box to allow the Tivo to blast the ntl digital cable set top box.

Anyway here's hoping its a smooth transition....

10-08-2005, 12:13 AM
Telstraclear have been announcing the move to digital since 2003. The reason given for the delays was trouble securing the STB's. At that time they were to be Advanced Digital Broadcast (ADB) STB's. I don't know if they have changed suppliers for their plans to start later this year.

Even both www.stuff.co.nz and http://www.nzherald.co.nz/ don't have any recent info, let alone details.

But getting back to your questions, It's way to early to even guess what the situation will be if and when it finally gets going.

But the following points will apply.

We won't know if we can capture the codes to control the STB till we try.
Most channels will already have guide data from sky.
If new channels are added and guides are available online, then there is a good chance someone will write a scrapper for it.


10-08-2005, 08:08 AM
I'm on the trial.

Yes, it will work with the box.. Using a pre-existing OZTiVO IR Code (Austar).

10-08-2005, 02:32 PM
So what is the actual model number of the box you have been supplied ?


10-08-2005, 05:01 PM
The box is made by ADB and the model number is: I-CAN 3000C-Q68-TNZ.
ADB also make the Austar Boxes. I have the Saturn Digital Box I have here working with my box using the Austar OZTiVo IR Code. Looks like it's just a standard release box that's been re-branded.

10-08-2005, 06:11 PM
Whats the picture quality like? Any better than the horrible artifact full stuff from Sky Digital?

11-08-2005, 01:24 PM
The box is made by ADB and the model number is: I-CAN 3000C-Q68-TNZ.
ADB also make the Austar Boxes. I have the Saturn Digital Box I have here working with my box using the Austar OZTiVo IR Code. Looks like it's just a standard release box that's been re-branded.

Quick question on the Saturn Digital Box, does it have support for scart RGB out like the Sky boxes do? When I had Sky I definately noticed a big improvement in picture quality using that connection. :)



11-08-2005, 05:43 PM
Whats the picture quality like? Any better than the horrible artifact full stuff from Sky Digital?

I haven't seen Sky Digital so can't comment on the picture quality. But it's very good and the EPG on the box is excellent.

11-08-2005, 05:44 PM
Quick question on the Saturn Digital Box, does it have support for scart RGB out like the Sky boxes do? When I had Sky I definately noticed a big improvement in picture quality using that connection. :)

This box doesn't but I'm guessing that might be a future thing. It does have two sets of Video/Left/Right out though which can be handy.

11-08-2005, 07:48 PM
This is sounding good so far, IR working and guide data working - I like it!!

The digital cable box must be something like in the following URL. Can you confirm this zollymonsta?

It would certainly be great to get the new digital cable boxes with scart RGB output which my UK Thomson Tivo running 2.5.5 would love as video input.

Come on Telstra, hurry up and deploy digital to my house soon....

11-08-2005, 08:28 PM
Yeah that looks like the one.

13-08-2005, 06:15 PM
I have already registered my interest from the mailer they sent out. The mailer did say that it would have more channels than any other service. Of course it could be just the Sky Digital music channels added and Discovery T&A. The $200 installation fee seems a bit steep for just swapping a new STB in.

13-08-2005, 10:56 PM
There are some additional channels to what Sky have from what I can tell.
As with the price, it's probably the same deal as it was when Sky digital first started. They have to re-coup some of the start up costs somehow.
That price probably wouldn't last forever.

20-08-2005, 02:59 PM
Well I have my Telstra digital cable booked for install next Friday. I have learnt that the new set top boxes will only support RF or composite video output :(. While I am sure the video output will be an improvement over the analogue cable, I was really hoping for s-video, scart RGB or component video output. I guess Telstra will realize this has been overlooked eventually and upgrade the boxes over time.....

20-08-2005, 05:30 PM
It will be like all things.. start out simple, then get more advanced. I would say that they'll most likely get better decoders once everything is humming along and connections are increasing.

27-08-2005, 04:03 PM
Well I finally have Telstra Digital Cable installed and working.

As mentioned earlier the set top box video output is only composite or RF. The picture is a minor improvement over the analogue cable... Having an HDTV capable TV, I am just hanging out for good quality video to feed the thing. It is very tempting to have a look inside the ADB set top box and see if the s-video or RGB pads are available to wire-up.

I got the IR codes from http://minnie.tuhs.org/TiVo/files/ircodes/ADB-Omega-Austar.tcl installed on my 2.5.5 UK Tivo just fine and they appear to work ok on medium speed. Note to 1.3 and 1.4 oztivo image users - I think the Austar IR codes are already installed in these images. The new ADB box is a bit slower at changing channels than the last box, but hey who watches live TV anyay?

Interestingly, the install uses an additional cable modem for the set top box to download epg and do pay per view. It makes Telstra's $10 per month rental for the same modem for internet purposes seem a bit steep considering you get one with digital TV which is only an extra $5 per month.

27-08-2005, 07:32 PM
I got the IR codes from http://minnie.tuhs.org/TiVo/files/ircodes/ADB-Omega-Austar.tcl installed on my 2.5.5 UK Tivo just fine and they appear to work ok on medium speed. Note to 1.3 and 1.4 oztivo image users - I think the Austar IR codes are already installed in these images.

The Ir code slice is downloaded from the emulator when running GS. it is not included on any image.

I have emailed Ed a copy of the latest IR slice on the 18th of August for inclusion on the NZ emulator, but as yet I have not recieved a reply.


27-08-2005, 08:19 PM
I have emailed Ed a copy of the latest IR slice on the 18th of August for inclusion on the NZ emulator, but as yet I have not recieved a reply.

Can this slice be downloaded from somewhere for inclusion on the nzdev emulators as well?


27-08-2005, 08:31 PM
I would not recommend opening the box!

No broadcasters broadcast in HD..

The cable modem can only be used with the set top box, from what I understand. So that's why it's included in the extra $5 at no charge (required for the EPG and buying movies).

Well I finally have Telstra Digital Cable installed and working.

As mentioned earlier the set top box video output is only composite or RF. The picture is a minor improvement over the analogue cable... Having an HDTV capable TV, I am just hanging out for good quality video to feed the thing. It is very tempting to have a look inside the ADB set top box and see if the s-video or RGB pads are available to wire-up.

I got the IR codes from http://minnie.tuhs.org/TiVo/files/ircodes/ADB-Omega-Austar.tcl installed on my 2.5.5 UK Tivo just fine and they appear to work ok on medium speed. Note to 1.3 and 1.4 oztivo image users - I think the Austar IR codes are already installed in these images. The new ADB box is a bit slower at changing channels than the last box, but hey who watches live TV anyay?

Interestingly, the install uses an additional cable modem for the set top box to download epg and do pay per view. It makes Telstra's $10 per month rental for the same modem for internet purposes seem a bit steep considering you get one with digital TV which is only an extra $5 per month.

28-08-2005, 01:14 AM
Can this slice be downloaded from somewhere for inclusion on the nzdev emulators as well?

Try IR-oztivo-v218.slice.gz (http://minnie.tuhs.org/tivo-static/headends/IR-oztivo-v218.slice.gz)

I would have sent you a copy of the slice as well, but I don't have your email address, and you have emails disabled in the forum.


28-08-2005, 07:57 AM
Cheers, this is now loaded on the port 8000 development emulator here for testing.

[tried to PM you my email, but thats a no go, your not PM'able :D]

28-08-2005, 08:25 AM
And ... now its removed again :) ... failed preparing data ... on my tivo at least :o

28-08-2005, 12:53 PM
[tried to PM you my email, but thats a no go, your not PM'able :D]

No PM's work on this forum, I believe Edwin was/is working on why this is the case.


28-08-2005, 02:32 PM
If I post a channel lineup for Saturn Digital to this thread, could we get it added to the emulators?

Or, who can I PM it to?

28-08-2005, 02:34 PM
And ... now its removed again :) ... failed preparing data ... on my tivo at least :o

How about trying to bload the slice manually.


28-08-2005, 03:43 PM
If I post a channel lineup for Saturn Digital to this thread, could we get it added to the emulators?

Or, who can I PM it to?

Yes, I'll take it, your on orac:8000 right. Is it radically different?

28-08-2005, 03:45 PM
How about trying to bload the slice manually.


Tried.. see here (http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?p=4607#post4607) for result

28-08-2005, 05:13 PM
Yes, I'll take it, your on orac:8000 right. Is it radically different?

Yep, I'm on that one. Yes, quite different. A lot (if not all) of the Sky Channels) plus some additional ones (including 27 Pay Per View movie channels).

Will put something together this week and PM you on here with it.


I'll even be the guinea pig. :)

28-08-2005, 10:25 PM
Tried.. see here (http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php?p=4607#post4607) for result

I have just tried dbloading myself and it loads without error. Though I had already had the slice loaded from the emulator, but it does mean it's a valid slice.

We can continue this on the other thread you pointed to.


30-08-2005, 06:42 PM
I'll even be the guinea pig. :)

guinea pig ... again!

Start a new thread on the channel linup in the dev forum, we'll use that to sort out the headend.