View Full Version : dbload error (0x00030008)

22-03-2005, 11:50 AM
Hi all,

Im trying to load some tivo data using wktivoguide3.5, the slice generation seams to go ok, however everytime I load the slice with dbload25.tcl I get the following error

bash-2.02# tivosh dbload25.tcl output.slice
dbload (0x00030008)

while executing
"dbload $db $file"
(file "dbload25.tcl" line 27)

Any ideas what this error is caused by ?

22-03-2005, 03:02 PM
bash-2.02# tivosh dbload25.tcl output.slice
dbload (0x00030008)

I have seen this error when trying to add a (MFS) database field that already exists (ref (http://www.dealdatabase.com/forum/showthread.php?p=215582#post215582)). You may want to do a quick eyeball check of the slice file (readguide output.slice) to check that everything looks okay.

23-03-2005, 12:24 PM

Also as a second, just checking, with the wktivoguide program one has to put the channel/station number in the stations file..
*Exactly* what number goes in here???

I've looked at http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Hintsortips/HowToFindSourceID and Im not 100% sure which one Im meant to use as the format is different..

Thanks in advance.

23-03-2005, 02:23 PM
I have never used the wktivoguide application, but you probably want the number from your headend.slice file. You may be able to find the Headend record by browsing the MFS database.