View Full Version : Manual Record & TivoTitle application

21-06-2004, 08:31 AM
I have modified the Manual Record (TivoWeb) module so that it will work correctly with version 3.0 of the Tivo software. Previously it was only scheduling repeated recordings for v2.5.5 units.

I have also altered the TivoTitle application so that it will remove the "Manual:" tags from the manual recordings. This is a handy application for renaming regular shows, etc...

The latest versions (ManRec v0.1.4 & TivoTitle v0.98) can be found at the bottom of the Minnie Uploads (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Uploads/WebHome) section. There is also a working version (v0.0.3) of ChannelGrid there, that may be of use to some people.

24-08-2004, 07:07 AM
Hi Thomson....

What directory do these files go into? And so I need to do anything to get them running or simply 'reload' TiVoweb or reboot the TiVo?


25-08-2004, 04:09 PM
What directory do these files go into? And so I need to do anything to get them running or simply 'reload' TiVoweb or reboot the TiVo?

The manrec.itcl and channelgrid.itcl modules needs to be placed in your TivoWeb modules directory, probably located somewhere like /var/hack/tivoweb/modules. TiVoWeb will then need to be reloaded at which point you should see a new "Manual Record" and "ChannelGrid" menu item on the "homepage".

The TivoTitle.tcl script is a standalone script that can be placed anywhere... I put all my scripts under /var/hack/scripts, but others like to place them in /var/hack/bin. The script can them be run manually or via cron (if you have it setup) so that the "Manual:" prefix is removed from the recordings.