View Full Version : UK Tivo, RGB input/output

27-11-2007, 06:29 PM
I just replaced my sony tivo with a thomson unit, the main reason being to take advantage of the RGB inputs on my TV.

I just swapped the hard disks from the sony to the thomson and it's working just as before (ie, running the sony oztivo image). However, i'm convinced the tivo is recording and outputting composite over its SCART connections. I guess that's no surprise, as that is exactly what the sony was set up to do.

My question is, can I adjust anything to get the thomson to use and output RGB? I've come across references to settings for SCART inputs for the original thomson and nztivo thomson images, but can i change anything with the current us based oztivo image?

28-11-2007, 10:35 AM
Do you want RGB, or component out? By default I think the UK Tivos can do RGB out (with sync on Greeen?) For component out (with separate sync) you need to make a small mod.
In either case, you may need to use the 2.5.5 UK software to switch the output from composite to RGB/component

28-11-2007, 06:28 PM
Definitely RGB. The TV (Beovision Avant) doesn't support component inputs.

Where would I find the UK software? Can the UK software connect to the oztivo emulator? Has it been modified/hacked to do all the things the oztivo sony/phillips images do?

I'm guessing I'll need to re-image my tivo drive?

are there any iicset commands that can be used to set RGB inputs/outputs? I have come across one that appears to switch to component output...

29-11-2007, 11:18 AM
I use the uk software. I've written a quick howto http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Howto/UseUkImage
It would require a drive re-image.
There are probably iicset commands that will switch the output, but I have a feeling that they will be re-set each time the channel is changed.