View Full Version : STB control via serial port instead of IR?

08-03-2007, 05:48 AM
Despite all the detailed howtos, capturing IR codes seems to be rather complicated. Therefore I'd like to test to see if my no-name FTA satellite receiver (OpenTel 3000) can be controlled via the serial port.

I know that the TiVo should in theory be able to control at least common US cable and satellite STBs (e.g. DirecTV & Dish Network STBs), but this is not exactly helpful since these receivers probably cannot be used in Europe.

I searched all the usual FAQs, but I couldn't find any information on how to control non-US STBs via the serial port. Is this possible at all?

Is there some common standard protocol that most STB manufacturers use for RS 232 communication or are they as different as the IR codes?

Since there are no ready-made guide slices for Germany, I had to create my own channel line-up. And I guess that since I didn't use a Guided Setup with OzTivo data, the TiVo doesn't contain any (IR/Serial) STB connection information and that I'd have to manually change configuration information via the Bash prompt.

I'd appreciate any information on which settings I could change to test if my TiVo can talk to my STB.

08-03-2007, 10:37 PM
There is no set protocol for channel changes using rs-232. And to make matters worse most current digital STB's don't have the feature at all. The port is only used for updating the firmware.

That said, Matt used serial to control his Toshiba STB ToshibaSerialPortControl (http://minnie.tuhs.org/twiki/bin/view/Software/ToshibaSerialPortControl).


09-03-2007, 02:59 AM

Thanks for the information. I guess I'll have to capture the IR codes like everybody else.